Energy Systems and the GND

These resources were compiled in fall 2020. New resources are not being added nor links updated.

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Journal Articles

Postcarbon Amnesia: Toward a Recognition of Racial Grief in Renewable Energy Futures

Myles Lennon, Science, Technology, & Human Values

Decolonizing Energy: Black Lives Matter and technoscientific expertise amid solar transitions

Myles Lennon, Energy Research & Social Science

Anti-Resilience: A Roadmap for Transformational Justice within the Energy System

Shalanda Baker, Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review

The value of energy storage in decarbonizing the electricity sector

Fernando Sisternes, Jesse Jenkins, and Audun Botterud, Applied Energy

A critical review of global decarbonization scenarios: what do they tell us about feasibility?

Peter Loftus et al., WIREs Climate Change

Getting to zero carbon emissions in the electric power sector

Jesse Jenkins et al, Joule

Sequencing to ratchet up climate policy stringency

Michael Pahle et al, Nature Climate Change

The political economy of decarbonization: a research agenda

Eric Biber, Nina Kelsey, and Jonas Meckling, Brooklyn Law Review

Winning coalitions for
climate policy

Jonas Meckling et al, Science

Political economy constraints on carbon pricing policies

Jesse Jenkins, Energy Policy


Short Circuiting Policy: Interest Groups and the Battle Over Clean Energy and Climate Policy in the American States

Leah Stokes, Oxford University Press, 2020

Reports / Articles

The Case for Public Ownership of the Fossil Fuel Industry

Johanna Bozuwa, Democracy Collaborative

Public Electricity: A Digital Roundtable

Conor Harrison, John Harwood, Hilda Lloréns, Agustín Irizarry Rivera, Canay Özden-Schilling, Abby Spinak, POWER

Power Player

Nicholas Pevzner, Yekang Ko, Kirk Diamond, Landscape Architecture Magazine